• Fantasy-book-cover-design-Dark Angel-front
  • Fantasy-book-cover-design-Dark Angel-back

Dark Angel - Fantasy Book cover Design



The book cover design for a dark fantasy or horror novel titled "Dark Angel". The background shows a dramatic scene of a winged figure, likely an angel or similar supernatural being, against an ominous landscape with mountains and stormy skies. The figure has large black wings outstretched and appears to be a female character with long, dark hair, wearing a blue dress or top. The color scheme is dark and moody, with shades of red, black, and grays. Below the central figure, the book's title "Dark Angel" is prominently displayed in a stylized font. Above the title, it shows the text "AUTHOR NAME", suggesting this is a placeholder for the actual author's name to be added. Overall, the image conveys a sinister, gothic atmosphere associated with dark fantasy or paranormal fiction genres through its powerful central figure, brooding color palette, and dramatic landscape elements.

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